About Game of Falls

How did the idea of Game of Falls started

The GAME OF FALLS was created in order to provide an accessible and user-friendly approach to the problem of falling among older people in the United States. Over 14 million adults aged 65 and older in the United States report falling each year. About 37% of those who fall experience injuries requiring medical treatment or restricted activity. In 2021, 38,742 older adults aged 65 and older died from preventable falls. Nearly 2.9 million older adults were treated in emergency departments due to falls. Falls are a significant cause of hip fractures and hospitalizations in older adults.


We are serious people


Our Game Is Interactive


We are determined

The problems we address & the method of our solution

With extensive research and development, we have created this excellent method of the fall in elderly challenges

Make your aging parent feel safe at home

Stay Aware & Prevent Elderly Falls with Interactive Game

Team Members
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