As flu season turns up the dial, one question often comes to mind: Why does the flu hit older adults so hard? It’s a perfect storm where senior flu prevention becomes key since their natural aging nudges immune systems into a less active state, amplifying the impact of flu symptoms. For caregivers, ensuring flu season […]
Confidence is a crucial ingredient in living a fulfilling and independent life, especially for seniors. So, what happens when an event like a fall shakes the very foundation of a person’s confidence, particularly in the elderly? After a fall, it’s natural for seniors to feel vulnerable and apprehensive about engaging in their everyday activities. Fear […]
Have you considered that growing older might mean getting better, so long as you nurture the one body you’ve been given? Staying active is a dynamic part of aging, and a key aspect of that is utilizing preventive health screenings to catch problems early. The good news is that Medicare and most health plans cover […]
Did you know that the medicines meant to ensure your health could also increase your chances of a fall? It’s a startling thought, but true for many older adults. As we age, we often become, rather ironically, a walking pharmacy. With every pill we swallow to keep our health conditions in check, there lies an […]